INDEXAcquiline15Anaconda15Anglo Am15Anglogold1Apex Silver3Ascot Res.16Ashanti1Aurizon1Barrick2, 13, 16Billiton3Cambior13Cardero16Delta Gold3Freewest3Glamis1Golden Knight1Golden Star14Golden Tag3Impala15Inca1Louvem13MacMillan Gold10Major Gen. Res.1Minera Andes16Mustang15N Am. Palladium6Noranda1Orezone3Pacific N W1Radius Expl.1Randgold14Richmont1Rio Algom1Rubicon3St. Elias10Stillwater6Teck1TVX1INDEX SECTION BAngloGoldB12Arizona StarB9BachTechB3BarrickB9, 12BemaB9BillitonB3, 12BuenaventuraB9CampbellB8CanarcB4Coeur d'AleneB3ComincoB12DaytonB11DenisonB12EldoradoB8FalconbridgeB5Far WestB4Gammon LakeB11Gen. Min.B1GeomaqueB7GlamisB8Gold HawkB10Golden StarB4GreenstoneB1Grupo MexicoB1High RiverB11HomestakeB4, 10IamgoldB12IntrepidB11KinrossB9, 11LaurierB12Lyon LakeB8ManhattanB7MeridianB10Mill CityB4MinefindersB1MirageB11NewmontB9NorandaB4, 5Pacific RimB1PenolesB3Placer...
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